I don’t remember the exact date or what specifically set the wheels in motion, but sometime in the distant past, I decided to become a minimalist. Let me rephrase that. What I did was make the decision to cut back on the things, both tangible and intangible, that keep me from enjoying what I really…
Change Your Life in a Day
Editor’s Note: I wrote this post back in college. I went ahead and cleaned it up, dropped in a few updates and made sure it’s safe to read at work. I mean as long as you keep the mouse on the minimize button you should be fine. If you don’t like it, change it. It’s…
The Truce
If you’ve ever been a serious runner, you know more than half the battle is mental. Even the world’s best-trained athletes eventually enter into an ego battle against their bodies. But the issue is never can you finish. It’s will you choose to finish? Sure, it doesn’t sound like that in your head. In your…
Life at the End of 23
I’ve been avoiding this post for just about a month now. It’s the one that’s been on my mind the most, and the one I’m not supposed to talk about. But it’s my birthday, and if the first 23 years have taught me anything, it’s you do what you want on your birthday—it’s one of…